Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

"Do What You Love & Love What You DO"

"Do What You Love & Love What You DO"
i have just read this expression from one of blog that i read today. when i read this sentence, i immediately think "WOW this is really right". it closely related with passion. Our passion, my passion. sometime we do something just because we have to do  it, so we didn't do it with whole-hearted. But if we do something that become our passion, it will so please to do it. 
Not everyone lucky to do their passion as their job. Lucky you if you can do it. But it doesn't mean that you can't do your passion as your job. in your spare time just try to do your hobby, just do it. don't think about money that can be produced from this hobby, i think that's just a bonus. not all of our hobby can be produce money, but if we can more creative to make our pleasure to be something useful it is not impossible.
remember, just do what you like. don't think about loss and profit about this. just do it
have a nice day

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

pre wedding photo idea

i don't think about this before, my first post is about photo for my wedding invitation. this photo took several days ago and it is really really spontaneously photo session, but I'm really glad because the result is really good. thanks to Ridho, Ucup and Rizky that make it all happen.
this session just take about an hour, and no costume change here.
this also can be choice idea for your wedding invitation photo.